Dedicated Tree Gifts Worldwide
How Gift a Tree works
Buy Trees
Step 1
Through buying with Gift a Tree, you can rest assured that you are assisting the planet through helping to reduce CO2 emissions and create a natural area for wildlife.
Step 2
When you purchase trees you can dedicate them to people; this could be yourself, your business, clients, colleagues or friends. We then plant the trees and name them in their honour.
We Plant
Step 3
Either on our farm or through our partners worldwide we plant your tree and send you the exact location via ‘What Three Words’ app so you can watch it grow on Google maps
Step 1
Finally, so our emissions are kept to zero, we will send you a smartly designed pdf certificate via email. You can then print this and give to a nominated friend or loved one.
Get involved today. No matter how small your contribution is to Gift a Tree, everything will help to save nature.
Dedicate Tree Gifts to Friends

You Gift a Tree
Buy as many trees as you like in a location of your choice. Then dedicate them to individuals or companies of your choice. With our charity connections worldwide, we then plant them accordingly. We then send you certification stating who they are for. We clearly show it is from you and we give the trees exact location using What3Words.
We do all the work
Perfect, Affordable Eco-Gifts - Show You Care!
At Gift a Tree we work with charities, companies and individuals to generate new woodlands and forests. To achieve this, we must all work together to reverse deforestation. Planting trees helps nature, reduces CO2 and provides much needed habitat for animals.
Through working with Gift a Tree you can give clients and friends 100% dedicated and sustainable eco gifts. Provide the ultimate tree present this year by choosing from 32 countries in which to plant trees. As a result, you will help to reverse deforestation, have a positive impact on the natural environment and help future generations enjoy nature.
Customer reviews

100% Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Tree Gifts
Plant a Blue Spruce Tree (UK)
Plant a Maple Tree (UK)
Plant an Oak Tree (UK)
Plant a Hawthorn Tree (UK)
Plant a Lime Tree (UK)
Plant a Willow Tree (UK)
Plant a Fir Tree (UK)
Plant an Alder Tree (UK)
Plant a Sapling Tree (UK)
Plant a Poplar Tree (UK)
25 Trees in Tanzania
Working with Charities Worldwide

Read about our work...

How to Create a Green Policy
How to write a sustainable green policy A corporate sustainable green policy is a formal statement of a company’s commitment to environmentally responsible and sustainable practices in its operations and

The Perfect Eco-Gift – Tree Planting in Madagascar
Gift a Tree is planting 1 million trees in Madagascar. The uniques species there are under severe threat and need immediate help. Please gift trees to friends today.

Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Wood
Pay your respects by helping her legacy live on in nature Her majesty did so much for our country so we thought it would be lovely to give something back.

Eco-gifts for teenagers, kids and ethically-minded children
Teenagers are often difficult to buy presents for.If your teens and their friends are ethically minded, Gift a Tree has the answer. What is the Perfect Eco-Gift? These days many

Gift a Tree: Tree Planting Sponsorship
Welcome to Gift a Tree’s Global Tree Planting Sponsorship initiative. At Gift a Tree, we are passionately committed to creating a brighter, healthier world for generations to come. We understand
Trees Planted Last Month
Become Our Partner
We are waiting to hear from you so we can all make a difference now! Currently over 50,000 hectares of forest are still being cut daily. Only 2,000 hectares are being planted. We welcome all enquiries no matter how small